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Frequently asked...
Are your candles vegan?
Answer: Yes, soya candles are a vegan candle option. Since soya bean oil is derived from a vegetable source, it does not contain animal products. However, some manufacturers may add different ingredients, so it is important to check labels.
Are your products handmade?
The Goatz Candles products are all handmade unique products. From concrete containers to hand-painted, they are all carefully handmade one by one.
Where is The Goatz Candles?
Where is The Goatz Candles? The Goatz Candles is based in Turkey/Çanakkale. We started this adventure by starting sales in New Amsterdam and we continue to sell in different locations.
What is the soya wax in your candles?
It is a natural wax derived from soya bean oil. Soy bean oil is a renewable resource that is sustainably produced.
You say there are no additives in your candles?
We produce it using certified natural ingredients and without adding paraffin or any additives. Natural soya bean oil base components are an environmentally friendly option, offering clean and long-lasting combustion.
What is the IFRA certification on your fragrances?
IFRA (International Fragrance Associations) is an international organisation regulating the perfume and fragrance industry. The purpose of IFRA is to set standards, conduct scientific assessments and provide guidance to the industry to ensure safety, quality and sustainability in the perfume and fragrance industry. IFRA aims to provide consumers with reliable products by promoting the safe use of raw materials and fragrances.
Why do you use wooden wick?
Dekoratif olması ve görüntüsünün güzel olması önceliğimiz. Öte yandan soya mumlarında ahşap fitil kullanımı, estetik bir görünüm sağlar ve mumun daha uzun süre yanmasına olanak tanır. Ahşap fitiller, kokunun daha etkili bir şekilde yayılmasını sağlar, daha az duman ve kalıntı bırakır ve sürdürülebilir bir seçenektir. Ahşap fitiller, soya mumlarını daha güzel ve çevre dostu bir deneyim haline getirir.
Can you give information about your concrete containers?
Our company manufactures cylindrical concrete containers suitable for candle use. Our concrete containers offer a durable and aesthetic option. We produce in different colours and patterns. Concrete material is environmentally friendly and recyclable. The containers we produce can be used not only for candles but also in different areas of use.
I want to make my own candles. Where can I get the material?
I hope you'll take action as soon as possible. We can provide you with all the materials you need.

Delivery Type


Cargo Tracking


Delivery time

Home Delivery




1 - 3 day

Home Delivery

United State Of America



1 - 3 day

Home Delivery




1 - 5 day

Home Delivery




4 - 10 day

Home Delivery

Saudi Arabia



4 - 10 day

Home Delivery




4-15 day

Which cargo companies do you work with?
All our products are sent by DHL.
When will I receive my order?
After your order is delivered to the cargo company, it is delivered within the periods written in the table above. Our company is not responsible for delays caused by the cargo company.

It is important that the product to be sent as a return does not lose its resalable feature and is packaged as it arrives.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on discounted products.

The costs of your return belong to the customer. Cevatpaşa mah with DHL. Güzel Sok. No: D:1 17010 Canakkale/Centre TURKEY.

If the product / products to be returned are not paid for the transport fee, the product / products will not be received and the return fee will not be refunded.

For your questions, you can send an e-mail to or contact us at +90544 569 89 85 (WP).

How can I ship my returns to you?
The costs of your return belong to the customer. Cevatpaşa mah with DHL. Güzel Sok. No: D:1 17010 Canakkale/Centre TURKEY.
When will I receive my refund?
After the product you have returned reaches us, it will be examined by the inspection team and after approval, your fee will be made through your bank's online payment system in accordance with your payment type to the card you use, and the refund will be reflected in your account within 2-3 business days.